Sage Moose flower farm launched in the winter of 2018. With a few acres, a desire to work outdoors and a dream of flowers, I began to cultivate the idea of growing and selling cut flowers from our family home, now flower farm. I had already purchased the domain name several years before and decided to keep that name for our flower farm.
So, why the name Sage Moose?
Well, our oldest daughter’s middle name is Sage. If you ask me, it’s because I think that is pretty, botanical and means wisdom. If you ask Mark, it’s because it’s the brand of a great fly fishing rod. Moose was my grandfather’s name. Not his real name, although I didn’t know his real name until college! Everyone knew him as Moose. He was a football player (#45 Washington Redskins and Detroit Lions), referee (Cotton Bowl, Orange Bowl to name a few) and could build anything out of the junkiest stuff you can imagine (slingshots, benches, repurposed chairs). He came across as a tough ol’ boot, but was really a big teddy bear. He adored his girls and all five granddaughters, and they adored him.

So when coming up with a business name, Sage Moose seemed like a unique name that had a very personal meaning to me. It represents my love of family, plants, animals, mountains, even color (green is my favorite!). And now Sage Moose also represents fresh, heirloom, fragrant flowers. From our farm to you!
Savor the beauty!